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Research: Welcome


Critchley, A., & Keddell, E. (2023). Risks and representations: Creating consensus narratives about risk with pregnant women involved with child protection systems in Aotearoa New Zealand and Scotland.

Critical Social Policy, Open Access Online First:


Critchley, A. (2023). Pre-birth child protection and the reproductive rights of fathers. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 35(4), Special Issue: Reproductive justice.

Available at:

Critchley, A., Grant, M., Hardy, M. and Cleary, J. (2023). Supporting Roots. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Available at:

Critchley, A. (2022) No room to change? fatherhood, masculinities and child welfare. Chapter 15 in Tarrant, A., Way, L. and Ladlow, L. (Eds.) (2022). Men and Welfare. London: Routledge. 

Critchley A, Grant A, Brown A, Morriss L. (2021) Editorial: Breastfeeding, social work and the rights of infants who have been removed. Qualitative Social Work. December 2021.

Critchley, A., Cowan, P., Grant, M. and Hardy, M. (2021) Changes and Continuities in Adoption Social Work: Adoption in Scotland Since the 1968 Act, The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 51(6), 2061-2079,

Critchley, A. (2021). Giving up the ghost: Findings on fathers and social work from a study of pre-birth child protection. Qualitative Social Work.

Critchley, A. and Roesch-Marsh, A. (2021). Poetry helps: Poetry as a means of creative reflection in social work. Invited book chapter in Turner, D. (Ed) (2021). Social Work and Covid 19: Lessons for Contemporary Education and Practice? St Albans, Herts: Critical Publishing.


Critchley, A. and Mitchell, M. (2020). Can knowledge exchange forge a collaborative pathway to policymaking? A case study example of the Recognition Matters knowledge exchange project. British Journal of Social Work, 50(8), 2298-2318.


Critchley, A. (2020). Baby Brain: Neuroscience, policy-making and child protection. Scottish Affairs, 29(4), 512-528.


Davidson, E., Critchley, A. and Wright, L. (2020). Making Scotland an ACE-informed Nation. Special Issue Editorial. Scottish Affairs, 29(4), 451- 455. 


Critchley, A. (2020). ‘The lion's den’: Social workers' understandings of risk to infants. Child & Family Social Work, 25, 895– 903.

Critchley, A. (2019). Jumping through hoops: Families’ experiences of pre-birth child protection. In Murray, L., McDonnell, L., Hinton-Smith, T., Ferreira, N. and Walsh, K. (Eds.) (2019) Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing through Space and Time. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 135-154.


Critchley, A. (2018). Pre-Birth Child Protection Iriss Insight 42, available at:

Research Outputs: Doctoral Thesis and Grey Literature

Critchley, A. (2019). Quickening Steps: An Ethnography of Pre-birth Child Protection in Scotland. Doctoral thesis. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh.


Grant, M. and Critchley, A. (2019). Mapping Adoption Support in Scotland: Initial Findings from Survey Analysis and Mapping Adoption Support in Scotland: A guide to support services across Scotland. Edinburgh: Adoption UK Scotland and AFA Scotland.


Critchley, A., Grant, M., Cowan, P. and Hardy, M. (2018). Exploring the changing nature of adoption work since the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968. Edinburgh: Social Work Scotland.


Critchley. A. and Gillies, A. (2018). Best Practice and Local Authority Progress in Self-Directed Support. Edinburgh: Social Work Scotland. Edinburgh: Social Work Scotland.


Cheyne, H., Critchley, A., Elders, A., Hill, D., Milburn, E., and Paterson, A. (2015). Having a Baby in Scotland 2015: Listening to Mothers’ the National Report of the Scottish Maternity Survey 2015. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.


Hall, G. and Critchley, A. (2013). An exploratory study to consider the experience of participating in a ‘safe contact’ assessment from the perspectives of the children, parents and social workers involved. Part of the Changing Children and Families Social Work knowledge exchange partnership project. Edinburgh: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), University of Edinburgh.

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